Acupuncture is a series of treatments which may help us strengthen our immune system, be and feel healthy and prevent disease.
The process of acupuncture is a great experience for those who have never done it before.
The process of acupuncture is special
Simply choosing to begin acupuncture is a great decision and a gift of health to ourselves. We must not forget that we have a weak side, the cracks which accumulate and manifest themselves in our body.
Your acupuncturist will ask you to lie down so that he or she may insert the needles at the proper spots in your body. This means that you put yourself in a process of recognising and accepting the art of acupuncture. The process is painless and hassle-free. We begin to relax and become more open to what we’re experiencing. This way the treatment can penetrate deeper and produce the best results.
When we relax, we turn ourselves towards our inner self. The result is a feeling of serenity and relaxation which lasts throughout the session, which may last from 30 to 45 minutes. Body and mind are released in a feeling of profound relaxation within a weightless silence. Acupuncture begins to light up every part of the body, discreetly but very wisely. Where there is an excess of energy, it is released, where there is a lack of it, it is filled up. The technique acts on the body with a certainty of purpose. The purpose is to achieve balance, based on the therapist’s diagnosis.
At this stage of the treatment process, the patient may experience total silence and relaxation. The benefit is double. It would be great to exist in deep and fertile relaxation, even for a little. The frantic pace of daily life does not permit it, because constant serenity, silence and enjoyment are not viable choices. Yet we may make room in our daily routine for such a present to ourselves.
The results will be unique, magical. Giving o oneself the space and care it needs, is a prerequisite for success in every aspect of life. These little things we do for ourselves are a source of applied wisdom. Do not forget that sometimes, in order to regroup physically or mentally, we need for someone to take the weight off of us. This will be done by the practitioner while we will take advantage of this quality time to experience all that, like a trip of care for ourselves. Acupuncture targets the whole person, his or her health, peace and tranquillity. Whichever the problem, physical or psychological, there is a corresponding acupuncture technique – traditional, ventral, five elements, ear acupuncture or other techniques, all of which aim to the best possible result.
You must try the experience of acupuncture at least once. The sensation is magical and its results unique. Make this gift to yourself and you will experience a great relief in fatigue, musculoskeletal pains, insomnia and many more.
I dedicate this article to the great Vietnamese traditional acupuncturist who inspired my soul, and to all of you.